Young Love

Various Locations (1950s)




"Have convictions. Be friendly. Stick to your beliefs as they stick to theirs. Work as hard as they do."

Eleanor Roosevelt






Before Stella Meets Levi

Stella's parents have spent their marriage saving up money for Stella to go to college. In fact, Stella's own mother had put herself through college with the help of her own sister in the 1920s. Stella eventually ends up in Eugene, Oregon, at the University of Oregon. She wants to be a labor organizer but because she is a woman in the 1950s she decides to take business classes instead.

She joins a sorority. College is a shock for a girl coming from a small Oregon town to a big University. She is no longer the smartest, best dancer, best pianist or the most popular girl.

Her parents sell her horse while she's gone and she gives up her dreams to perform.

During the summers she works as a waitress at little cafe near the coast called Orfords. The U.S. Coast Guard station is nearby.

The Poem

Living is all in the lines
and how you lay the lines,
notes in the margins, gutturals, eyelet curtains.
What's the pick-up today, baby?
What's your name?
Rollers in the hair piling up high.
The heart strings zing, zing, zing,
taught, stiff and quivering.
The heart is a hopeful motor
that glides and thumps and shakes
all the way to the sea
beyond where any of us can see,
to the open arms...

Before Levi Meets Stella

Levi gets stationed in Port Orford, Oregon, soon after boot camp. Although he was a stubborn kid who didn't like being told what to do, he soon realizes doing what you're told is the best way to get through boot camp.

In Port Orford, the coast guard boys out at Cape Blanco have bad reputation as a bunch of kids reading comic books. Levi happens to love comic books. It's a Loran Station, a kind of early GPS, and this branch of the Coast Guard doesn't do search and rescue. In fact, Levi never learned to swim out at the ranch. When a fishing boat goes aground, they have to call in the Navy to rescue the boat. This doesn't impress the town folk. Levi learns the Loran navigation system.

Levi and some friends stage a fake murder at the local Castaway Hotel and Restaurant. This also doesn't impress the town folk.

Levi Meets Stella

Stella happens to be the only waitress of age who can serve liquor at Orfords. Levi comes in one night and orders a beer. She asks for his ID card and discovers he's not 21. She refuses to serve him beer. He comes back later and asks what her name is. She won't tell him. He takes a guess. "Is it Stella?" She is mildly amused by this. Later, around 10 pm that night, Stella is closing up the cafe and she sees Levi tapping on the window and motioning to his watch. He seems to be asking if she's available at closing time to go out on a date. She grabs her coat and decides to go.

We all peel labels, sweetie.

She comes outside and locks up the restaurant and asks where they're going. This surprises Levi because he was just asking if the cafe was still open. He's too shy to admit this to her so he takes her out for a date to Aggie's a converted barn coffee shop that stays open all night. Stella likes his sense of humor.

Stella's parents don't take to Levi at first. He's not ambitious they feel and he's too shy for small talk. Plus, he can't fix his own car and it's always breaking down. Plus Stella hasn't finished college yet and they're worried she'll drop out to get married. One night Stella and Levi accidentally stay out all night. They claim they fell asleep. When Levi returns Stella home at dawn, her father is just leaving for work. Levi's car breaks down again outside their house. Stella's father has to stop and fix it. Levi's father is not impressed by this.

Plus it's the summer before Levi gets shipped out to the Philippines. Stella and Levi date for six months. He takes her out for roast beef sandwiches and to see Johnny Cash who Levi loves. Stella later admits she thought Cash was going to be a trumpet player.

Johnny Cash Interlude

They go to the movies. After the six months is over they decide to get married. Stella's parents are very unhappy with this news because women who get married quit college.

Never mix, never worry.

Stella and Levi get married in Stewart, Nevada, and have their reception in Levi's house at the Stewart Indian School.

Stella and Levi visit her sister before he leaves for the Philippines. When he finally goes, Stella cries for days. He'll be gone for a year. Her mother isn't sympathetic at all:"She knew what she was getting into." But her sister and her Dad feel sorry for her and try to cheer her up.

Stella and Levi before he leaves:

They write each other love letters all year and Levi sends her money to finish school. Stella also works as a maid during her last year of college. Levi takes pictures with his new camera. Stella sends him a picture of herself with a letter on the back. Stella graduates college.

Levi comes back and they spend some time in upstate New York, San Jose, California, and Washington D.C. before Levi is finally discharged from the service.

The take a six month trip across the country, attend the Olympics and then move to Albuquerque New Mexico.

Levi's family is charmed by Stella from the first and she loves his big extended New Mexico family. Levi's father even buys her a horse for her visits to Roy.

The Singapore Sling

1 1/2 ounces gin
1 ounce Benedictine
1 ounce lime juice
1/2 ounce cherry liqueur
1/4 ounce simple syrup
2 ounces club soda
Lemon slice, garnish
Maraschino cherry, garnish