Sometimes we act like nouns
even though we are verbs;

or rather, sometimes we are verbs
turned into heavy things

like the swarming hair of Medusa.

Marla and me, we loved swinging.
We loved to swing.

The act of the swing,
a noun in motion

like the Bermuda Triangle.

Lillian and I loved exploring the woods.
We loved to explore.

When we came across men in the woods,
we knew we needed to hide.

We should be hiding.

I like to say I love swimming
but I really just like to float.

Are we just floating here?
Are we resigned to drift?

Like an empty lifeboat?

Will there be loving?
Will there be time to love?

What is happening?
What is going to happen?

Itching and scratching?

What are we doing?
What are we going to do?

We need to ask;
this needs asking;

asking for a friend.


From The Writer’s Guide to Common Grammar