Knowing how to conjugate,
hook up, how to be a subject
upon which something is done to.

Everyone wants to be the subject
now and then, from time to time
(or the objectified).

Verb concords with its subject,
finds harmony, consensus,
(coming to an understanding).

I, you and we usually
naturally in accord.
He and she changes things.

I desire, you consume.
I inhale, you expose.
You settle over, I fluster.

I pulse, you fill.
I rattle, you bear down.
You thaw, I kiln.

I grasp the subject.
You work the verb.
You dishevel, I clamor.

I, you and we usually
naturally in accord.
He and she changes things.

He endures and she abides.
He mourns and she shreds.
He wants and she needs.


From The Writer’s Guide to Common Grammar