The Electrical Dictionary of Melancholy Absolutes

An Online Poem by Mary McCray
A dictionary in progress

(November 2021 - November 2023)

"Send me my dictionary.
Write how you are."
     —Michael Palmer



Alphabetical word list


Peacock noun 'pé-käk
From Merriam-Webster
1. a male peafowl distinguished by a crest of upright feathers and by greatly elongated loosely webbed upper tail coverts which are mostly tipped with iridescent spots and are erected and spread in a shimmering fan usually as a courtship display, 14th Century
2: one making a proud display of oneself, 1818

syn. show-off
hotdog, rooster

Often associated with women
in the 21st Century
but a cock must do it,
attracts a relatively unadorned
dole of females
whom often coo "very nice!"
from a distance.

The explosion of feathers is less desirable
in intimate habitats.

(Isn't that amazing?
It's like physics or something.)

Use in a sentence:
If you're going to peacock,
please stand in the kitchen.


(Becoming a) poet noun po-ət
From Merriam-Webster
2. one (such as a creative artist) of great imaginative and expressive capabilities and special sensitivity to the medium, from Greek

To define a poet;
Why does a girl become a poet?
Likely because of a boy
(or sometimes because of a girl).

Subcategory to the definition of Love

My mother's use in a sentence:
If you're becoming a poet
please do that outside.


Love noun 'ləv
From Merriam-Webster
1. a feeling of strong or constant affection for a person, from Latin

A feedback loop generating irony.


Irony noun 'í-rə-né
From Merriam-Webster
2. a situation that is strange or funny because things happen in a way that seems to be the opposite of what you expected, from Greek

Where it started.
Where it is now.

Vocational irony.
Or as my mother would say,
Avocational irony
because I'm not making any money.


(Becoming a) poet noun po-ət



Definitions added November 9, 2021

Stir Up phrasal verb
The Oxford Dictionary
1. to encourage somebody to do something; to make somebody feel they must do something, 15th Century
2. to make something move around in water or air

"Stir It Up," 1985 Patti LaBelle song

syn. agitate, enflame, ignite, disturb, set off
wind up, fire up, roil

alt syn. to make buoyant,
to cause to swim,
to float

Use in a sentence:
This is on my bucket list.
I mean to see Patti Labelle live.
(But also, yes).


Marginalia plural noun mär-jə-'nà-lé-ə
From Merriam-Webster
1. marginal notes or embellishments (as in a book), 1819, New Latin

Talking back to the Void of Words

A disappointment to find
in a used or library book
because really
who cares what you have to say?


Void noun vóid
From Merriam-Webster
1. empty space. emptiness, vacuum
2. the quality or state of being without something
3. a feeling of want or hollowness

Where all marginalia ends up,
where the marginalized will go,
a place with no people or things,
an electro-magnet of nothingness
and melodrama


Paper noun pa-pər
From Merriam-Webster
1. a felted sheet of usually vegetable fibers laid down on a fine screen from a water suspension, 14th Century Greek

in theory, in writing,
as in "on paper this seemed like a good idea"
or as in "get it on paper because in theory…
who's to say?"

pulp, biology,
full of the invisible knowledge
of evergreen conifers, bamboo,
cotton, hemp or jute.

Easy to burn,
easy to drown.

but not as perishable
as where these words
are written from
or to.


Definitions added November 9, 2021

Pareidolia noun per-í-'dò-lé-ə
From Wikipedia
1. the tendency for perception to impose a meaningful interpretation on a nebulous stimulus, usually visual, so that one sees an object, pattern, or meaning where there is none, German, 1960s

Matrixing in ghostbusting nomenclature,
making meaning from pure noise.

There are many dangerous applications
for matrixing:
religion, astrology, astronomy,
the general sciences,
ghost hunting,
affection, sentiment,
taking umbrage...


Anomaly noun ə-'nä-mə-lè
From Google Dictionary
1. something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected

Unexplainable, (often misapplied),
a cold spot in the data,
a manifestation in the story,
an entity that often takes
a medium to see,
ghosts drifting into the findings.


Bury the Lead phrase
alternatively, bury the lede
From Google Dictionary
1. to fail to emphasize the most important part of a story or account.

Use in a sentence:
This is a hard lead to bury,
like a zombie.

My old friend, formerly a newspaper reporter
from Upstate New York,
once told me I always bury the lead
which is part of my mischief.

Maybe so but there are many ways
to tell a story. Don't all whodunits
bury the murderous lead,
the secret deeply entombed?

It's how we tell our own story...
to ourselves.

But so says Søren Kierkegaard,
there are two ways to be fooled:
one is to believe what isn't true,
the other is to refuse to believe what is true.

There is anxiety in the purgatory
between skepticism and the uncanny,
a playground of gloomy seesaws
and never-ending swings.

The lead will be alright.
The lead sees ahead
and behind.

Like when I was fifteen
and came across a picture of someone
I recognized but had never met.

Burying the lead turns out to be easy.
You can talk around a thing forever
like two children circling around
a merry-go-round.
It's easy. You could take it
to the grave.


Definitions added November 15, 2021

Mesa noun má-sə
From Merriam-Webster
1. an isolated relatively flat-topped natural elevation usually more extensive than a butte and less extensive than a plateau, 1840, Spanish

Miles of grass up there
where in the almost-night
the outlines of cholla
look like very quiet cows
and a red moon rises up
over the edge where it has climbed
up the walls from the valley,
and it bears down on us
like an elevated,
intractable emotion.

And Mary's little lambs
sprawl across the altar,
the sacramental table
narrow and long beneath
the bread of that moon
red with blood
and the lambs wander
over the train's berm
one by one by one.


Mosquero proper noun Mahs-kehr-oh
From the Village of Mosquero, Wikipedia, memory
1. Town of 93 people in Harding County, New Mexico. Founded in 1908 by Benjamin Brown who set up a water stop on the Polly, the Dawson railroad spur of the Southern Pacific. Means 'swarm of flies' from the flies that were drawn to the buffalo carcasses hunted by Indians in the area: Comanche, the Llaneros branch of the Jicarilla Apache and, sometimes, the Kiowa.

Its ancient fingers are canyons
spilling water down into Bell Ranch,
where drives of cows come up
over the caprock and the flying priest
prays over the dead.
The flies circle their rot
with the buzz of angels.

We were driving the mesa
when I opened a chocolate wrapper
and, just like in a movie,
there was a golden treasure inside.

"If thou must love me"
love me for the flies.


Cholla noun chȯi-yə
From Merriam-Webster and Wikipedia
1. Cylindropuntia fulgida, a shrubby opuntias chiefly of the southwestern U.S. and Mexico that have needle-like spines partly enclosed in a papery sheath and cylindrical joints, 1846, Mexican Spanish

Tenaciously, microscopically barbed,
wart-like, scaling, thick,
wasting away in the wind
to a vascular, prickly hollow,
singing like a fibrous woodwind,
painful to embrace.

My great-grandfather,
from Mosquero among other places,
asked my father one summer
to cut down all the cholla
out at the Solano ranch
and my father told me
that as he was axing down all the cactus
he realized he was probably just spreading
many more cholla seeds and creating
many more cholla to cut down tomorrow.


Counting Sheep phrase
From Wikipedia
1. a mental exercise as a means of putting oneself to sleep. From Don Quixote (goats), 1605

My great-grandfather,
from Mosquero among other places,
was known for saying two things:
never tell a story twice
unless you can improve upon it
each time;

And he said he hated sheep farmers
with their insatiable sheep,
but there was only one way
to get rid of sheep and that was updated Nov, 30 2021
to eat the damnable things
one by one.

Use in a sentence:
the shepherdess is counting sheep
down in the meadows
under the blood-red moon
that clips the mesa;
and with patience,
with patience, we will sleep.


Definitions added November 22, 2021
composed at The Rectory (Mosquero, New Mexico)

Enigmatic adjective e-nig-'ma-tik
From Merriam-Webster
1. relating to or resembling an enigma, mysterious, 1609, Greek
Syn. arcane, cryptic, impenetrable, inscrutable, mysterious, mystic, uncanny

foggy, unclear, why don't you just say what you mean?

willfully obtuse like the 274 steps
of the Chambord staircase
in a double-helix
straight from da Vinci's mind,
how it spirals and spirals
around a glimpse of a face
in the atrium's descending light,
two faces never to meet on the same steps
until they reach hell or heaven.


Bird in hand (is worth two in the bush) proverb
From Merriam-Webster, The Phrase Finder
1. used to say that it is better to hold onto something one has than to risk losing it by trying to get something better, medieval, one of the earliest proverbs in English

My mother is ruthless in Blackjack.
She pulls no punches and knows the pivot
between knowing when to deal
and when to stand,

when to bust.

She taught a good friend of mine
who sits at the tables of Vegas
now from time to time, doubling down.

But she could not teach me
what is basically a game
of bird in hand,
a game for those who won't settle
for one, but who would settle for none.

The bird I am
in hand and in the bush,
the birds you have in hand
so sweet and serene.

What you have so far is good.
What you have so far can suffice
because you can take it with you
right now and be released.


Sonnet noun sä-nət
From Merriam-Webster
1. a fixed verse form consisting of 14 lines that are typically 5-foot iambics rhyming according to a prescribed scheme, 1555, Italian

Use in a poem:
The world comforts me in moving ways:
roadside honeysuckle blooming with chance,
willow reeds by the river in a swoon of romance,
the dulcet voice down the street starting to raise
itself over the gate, filling this courtyard of days updated Dec 6, 2021
with a brilliant, neon pavilion of circumstance.
There is the fuss of an impervious, waltzing dance
with its clandestine whispers of praise within a phrase.
But if that is all we are strong enough to bear—
the world comforts me with its crisp, fall light,
autumn's swarm of red and yellow prophets.
Beyond the porch light, raindrops fall like prayer
all through the night of everything will be alright,
snug in our armada of verses and a fleet of sonnets.


Definitions added November 29, 2021

Extended Metaphor rhetorical device
From Wikipedia
1. An extended metaphor, also known as a conceit or sustained metaphor, is an author's exploitation of a single metaphor or analogy at length through multiple linked tenors, vehicles, and grounds throughout a poem or story.

An apparatus, you could say
art itself, like cloaks of invisibility,
who wouldn't want one?

But you'd soon be sorry you had it
whenever you wanted to be seen.

You'd be sorry you had it,
soon as you saw too much.


Aim verb 'am
From Merriam-Webster
1. to direct a course
2. to aspire, intend
3. to point
14th century, from Latin

This that follows is a parable
but it's also a true story.
It just so happens
some parables can also be true.

Once when I was at sixth-grade camp
the counselors led us from the rippling lake,
past the fragrant woods until we crested a hill
to find a row of targets on stands.

And right away I thought, ‘Oh crap,
I could be swimming in the lake.
The last thing I want to do, like ever
in my whole damn life, is archery.'
Here is where we'd have to spend hours
learning something new.
What a Wednesday disaster.

The bows were large and awkward
and the first few arrows the whole class threw
fizzled out on the grass far short of anybody's targets.

But soon I was hitting bullseyes one after the other.
I vanquished three whole classes of eleven-year olds.
I even had to sit through a ceremony at the end of the week
and get an award for it. I was a natural, obviously,
never having touched a bow and arrow before.

And there's no Indian or Turkish memory
of slaying foes and sluggish bison,
no helpful particulars of a past life to explain it.

Later in a high-school gun class, (it was Missouri),
it happened again. And then in a California gun-safety seminar,
it happened again, this punctilious, geometric aim.

What a random, anachronistic, useless skill this was,
how little if fit into anything I was doing.

But no matter how nonsensical it now seems,
no matter how charming or frustrating it is considered,
no matter the dopamine hits that come and go,
it never goes away, this plight of luck.

Whether it builds me up or tears me down,
it never goes away. It is, simply, what it is.

And I tell you this now, no matter what it is I think about it
and no matter what it is you think about it,
nothing goes away. No matter what I do;
no matter what you do.

The aim of it may turn out to be my own demise
in the end, but even then
it probably won't go away.

And on some days, that idea levies
a kind of peace on things, a kind of truce.

Fortitude noun 'fór-tə-tüd
From Merriam-Webster
1. mental strength and courage that allows someone to face danger, pain, etc. 12th century, from Latin

What one must have
to endure parables.


Irresistible adjective ir-i-'zi-stə-bəl
From Merriam-Webster
1. impossible to resist, 1597, medieval Latin

Turns out, some definitions are not very helpful,
particularly when defining a thing using its own self.

And I think a good definition of irresistible
would be handy for a lot of us,

speaking for myself. What it is,
where it's located, how to box it,

contain it, ignore it. Those would be
handy things, yes? How to ward it off

during inappropriate occasions.
But I guess if I had to define it

I would say this: it is a body
moving through time in a way

that is uniquely amenable to my body
which is also moving through time.

But that definition isn't very good.
It has no mention of his eyes

or the handsomeness of his face.
And it doesn't describe the force of it,

the uncategorizable, un-placeable
ultimately un-boxability of it.

I wish I could say more about that.
I wish I could.


Definitions added November 30, 2021

Plausible Deniability term
1. Plausible deniability is the ability of people, typically [politicians], to deny knowledge of or responsibility for any damnable actions committed by members of their organizational hierarchy. They may do so because of a lack or absence of evidence that can confirm their participation, even if they were personally involved in or at least willfully ignorant of the actions.

Love has its own weather of flurries and blizzards
and this idea is a shelter of sound stone,
a refuge that makes its politician untouchable,
a strategy deployed when encountering something
confounding or frightening.

You can see it working in others
or in yourself,
from a similar inner organizational hierarchy
with all the other selves.

Like a gaslight in the darkness,
a deceit of the heart,
the ego’s grand perjury,
just another gullible consequence
of pride, like any other armor.

Or winter coats and taking off those coats
on the terraces of risk and exposure.
Some people just have many more coats than others.


Sweet adjective 'swet
1. being, inducing, or marked by the one of the five basic taste sensations that is usually pleasing to the taste and typically induced by sugars (as sucrose or glucose), from Latin
2. marked by gentle good humor or kindliness
syns: saccharine, cloying
3. Much loved, dear
4. As a phrase: Sweet On: having a crush on

“Sweet, sweet Mary,”
said my father’s old boss
from the 1970s when he remembered
me as sweet, sweet five.

Mother always said it like a spell
like bringing a wish into being:
“Mary, you’re such a sweet girl,”
ergo sweet girls do not do
this thing you are doing.

Marys full of contraction.
Typhoid Mary, Blessed Mary
Bloody Mary, Mary Richards
Mary Hartman, Mary, Mary,
Quite so Mary,
quite, quite so Mary,
unbearably sweet,
willful and wary.

Aspires to be less sugary,
aspires to be adorable,
worthy of adoring.


Melody noun 'me-lə-dé
1. a sweet or agreeable succession or arrangement of sounds, 13th Century, from Greek

Part I. If You Know What I Mean

My mother was arguing with me about crooners;
she said Neil Diamond was better than Barry Manilow
and then my father got involved and they both started
arguing with their 12-year-old about melodies and orchestrations;
and me thinking I don’t even know if the three of us
can live together in the same house anymore.

But then secretly after dinner some nights
I played all her Neil Diamond records
many times over and I remember
the streetlight coming in through the front window
making the room feel like my idea of a speakeasy.

I would meditate on the gatefold record cover
and imagine what the beautiful noise meant
long before I had been through the trials
of all those words.

Part II. Desirée

It was this bodice-ripper
that was in my imagination
when the Belgian Mr. X.
gave us a list in French class.
Everyone was to choose new names
and I was surprised no other girl picked the one
before my turn came. The Belgian approved,
never a given with him and me.
And I can still hear him saying my name.

Part III. America

I was also 12 when my mother announced she was taking me
to my first live performance with a gang of her office friends.
Neil Diamond was playing the Checkerdome,
so called for the checkered logo of Ralston Purina.

The show was pretty much like the panache in the finale
of his movie The Jazz Singer. The office ladies
conspired to find the backstage door after the show
and ‘pants’ Neil Diamond, which I took to mean devour.

As if you could find that door in such a building.

They all agreed he had a nice ass. And I thought,
well I haven’t seen a lot of asses yet, but I guess okay, sure.

Years later, Chrissy, Julie and I all got drunk and over-glittered
in a Madison Square Garden bathroom before his show.
Chrissy screamed “Brooklyn represents!” walking to our seats.
Years after that I met an ex-boyfriend at Staples Center in Los Angeles.
He gave me mea culpas in a Mar Vista bar later that night.

My mother gave me all her Neil Diamond records years ago.
I wonder sometimes how she can live without them.
My heart is not a very good muscle, as they go;
I can’t even bring myself to give away records that aren’t mine.
My heart is a poor muscle, all things considered, more like
a chamber of melodic noise–ethereal, anthemic and vibrating.



Definitions added December 13, 2021

Conjugate verb 'kän-jə-gát
1. to give in prescribed order the various inflectional forms of —used especially of a verb, 1530, from Latin
2. to join

Last week I sent an electronic missive
with the exciting string of words
“have had has”—
those permutations of time
running along together
like any sporting verb
conjugating itself.

To conjugate
sounds not-so-vaguely erotic.

Flirty words, minxy words,
my words in your mouth.

Is that really what it is?

We all have the same words
after all, (what are yours
and what are mine?),
words that can time-travel
and interlace their fingers
through this,
another golden year.


Superfluous adjective sú-'pər-flü-əs
1. exceeding what is sufficient or necessary, not needed, unnecessary, 15th Century, from Latin
2. marked by wastefulness, extravagant

It was Christmas when Scrooge invoked
what was in his heart and vowed
to live in the Past, Present and Future.
Those entanglements a string of moments
like snowflakes floating down on trees;
they come and melt away, come and melt away.
And we remember them like wishes.

And I think about all the ravishing superfluous
beyond the melting snow of an instant in time,
the overwhelming glacier of the superfluous,
the silent wanting of the sleeping trees and hills.

To stay with this heart for a few more minutes;
it is feeling. This is feeling, this frostbite sentence;
hoarfrost that cannot help the way the world tilts
around the sun. He is one who understands
when I’m drifting, listing away,
and he holds out his hand
for me to land.

To stay there,
until we lose all these fingers
and stop breathing.


Requited transitive verb ri-'kwi-təd
1. to make return for, repaid
2. to make suitable return to for a benefit or service or for an injury, 15th Century, Middle English

Interpreted as a remit, as in a repayment,
as in how to repay this,
this that goes so far back into the decades
or maybe even centuries of self-definition?
Definitions to repay definitions.
The cities I have lived,
the doors I opened like prizes,
the words I have carved into Davids,
apparitions I have conjured,
how I have become bigger than myself
and summoned ice-spangled castles
inadvertently. A humble ball of snow
escalating down a beautiful slope
and before long an avalanche of debt,
a burying debt, an indebtedness deferred
to a forthcoming me, a someday me
then and there, flush and bountiful for you.

Definitions added December 20, 2021

Purview noun 'pər-vyü
2. the range or limit of authority, competence, responsibility, concern, or intention, Middle English
3. range of vision, understanding, or cognizance

1. Kingdom

When I was about nine years old
my father and uncle announced one day
only boys could go out to the family ranch in Solano,
a valuable invitation mostly in that it guaranteed
a ride in the back of my grandfather’s yellow truck.

This meant my two brothers and little Burt would be going
but not me or Erin, four years older
and the cousin I followed around like a puppy.

So while the boys were gone,
Erin taught me the phrase
“male chauvinist pig.”

And I can tell you
I really ran with this one.

It was a slander that really got under the skin
of my oldest brother who spent a lot of time and energy
trying to lay down rules in the absence of our parents.

And I would hurl out this phrase
during inappropriate oppressions,
like just being told what to do, being sat on,
tickled, teased, tormented or generally siblinged.
The phrase would infuriate him, mostly because
he didn’t like being called a pig
by a little shit.
Neither of us knew what chauvinism meant.
But one of us knew that boys asserting authority
could not stand, especially when they had

After all, who made him the King of Anything?
Who gave him a say
over me?

Opinions, man.

2. Boss of Me

“You’re not the boss of me”
also came out of my mouth a lot.

But regrettably I have come to see
I’m not even the boss of myself.
I’m not running anything here.

As if a lifetime has stood right up in my face and


3. In Control

Sometimes I feel like I’m riding a boat without any oars
or rudder or motor or jurisdiction or bottom.

And all the schemes and all the strategies and rationally itself…

well, bless your soul.


Steer transitive verb and noun 'stir
1. (verb) to control the course of, direct, especially to guide by mechanical means (such as a rudder), 12th century
2. (verb) to set and hold to (a course)
1. (noun) a male bovine animal and especially a domestic ox castrated before sexual maturity, 12th century

Is it a coincidence the verb steer
is also the same word
for the castrated male,
as if the act of steering a man castrates him?

Which makes me wonder then
if mansplaining causes infertility.

One of my close friends, besides being a lesbian,
says things to be funny like “who needs boys?”
and “what good are boys?”
and the nine-year old in me wants to agree
wholeheartedly: “Yeah! Stinky, smelly boys!”

But then I remember things have become
much more complicated.


Gray Adjective 'grá
4. lacking cheer or brightness in mood, outlook, style, or flavor, prosaically ordinary, dull, uninteresting, Old English
5. having an intermediate and often vaguely defined position, condition, or character

I am lost; I am not lost.
I am navigating the lostness
to see where it goes.

What this is is neither black or white.
This is primordial gray. The prime ordeal.
The inconsolably heavy unsaid.
We are entrenched in the gray
and lonesome for color.


Definitions added December 23, 2021

Thesaurus noun thi-'sór-əs
1.b a book of words and their synonyms, from Greek

I haven’t mentioned much about him yet.
I find it hard to capture him with letters.
But I was in a high-school poetry class
at the time he was fixing a car or a machine
and he was heading out to the bookstore
to find a tome of schematics, something
to explain the machines and the world.

He came to my bedroom door
and asked me if I needed anything.

My syllabus listed a book called a thesaurus.
He returned with Roget’s International,
Fourth Edition, Harper & Row, one-thousand,
three-hundred and seventeen pages
that have delighted me for years, fed hundreds
of poems and solved my malapropisms
and retrieval errors with polysyllabic accidents;

and as my heart was breaking that year
into disintegrating wordlessness, the indexes
and categories led me to the miraculous
hidden roads only browsing in brokenness can find.

The book is thirty-five years old now
and has a black cover that is peeling
and pages that are curling up at the corner.

He is not always a wordy fellow
and his affections are subtle
and sometimes a secret
between us.

But I’m using all the 256,000 words
he gave me

to speak to you now.


Suspension noun sə-'spen(t)-shən
2.b the state of a substance when its particles are mixed with but undissolved in a fluid or solid, from Latin

Pain is not like a flower
breaking through a hard crust
of damp earth and into the crisp air
of reality, dirt falling off the green.

More like an underwater blossom,
spreading thick and dark
through the effluence, suspended
and slightly flickering.
No gravity, no pressure,
but almost a release of pressure
for a string of blooming moments.

If you have felt it
in your chest like a medallion
or in your throat like a sprocket,

you will have seen the paradox
like the absurd jellyfish,
the form of pleasure
is the very same shape.


In the Soup idiom
Merriam-Webster, The Week
1. in a bad situation, in trouble, American slang, 1889

Surely better to be out of such things,
in maybe easier soups, soups less soupy.

The path of fewer brambles,
the less traveled quagmire,
uncertainties we can live with.

What you choose to do,
what forces to align with,
what is good,
what is not good,
all the stalemates
that hang between us
in the air, the ether, the open
airwaves, the zephyr, the firmament,
the blue biosphere, the vapor,
smoke and mist,

all these things
that have no words...


Definitions added January 24, 2022

(after watching Encanto)

Hacienda noun (h)ä-se-'en-də
Merriam-Webster and Bob Villa
1. a large estate especially in a Spanish-speaking country, circa 1772, Old Spanish

Enamored with my brother’s flair for French
words and the spell of a city of light
in my young susceptibility, I struggled
for years through silent vowels
and le subjonctif. And looking back
maybe I should have taken Spanish
instead. After all, I knew plenty
of Spanish words already:
tortilla, enchilada, huevos rancheros.

And there was already something
Hispanic in the marrow of me
having been born from the womb
of Nuevo Mexico, from the tile and dirt
and the thick, undulating walls
and the dream of a hacienda
enchanted with wraparound rooms

and a center

full of air and moon.


Haunted adjective hôn(t)əd
Oxford Languages from Google
1. a place frequented by a ghost, 14th Century from Old French
2. having or showing signs of mental anguish or torment

We say ‘¡Hola casa!’ to a house
who wants to be seen.

Air and atmosphere
with something to say.

Walls that tick and pop for attention.
Music floating in from empty rooms.

Veins of a house where animals move
and sometimes die.

A presence in the dark, footsteps
from the whole of history.

Apparitions in need of affection
when an embrace is inconceivable.

We say ‘¡Hola casa!’ to a heart
who wants to be seen.


Enchanted adjective in-'chan-təd
1. placed under or as if under a magic spell, having or seeming to have a magical quality. 15th Century, from Latin
2. made to feel delightfully pleased or charmed

The difference between haunted
and enchanted—a fine line.

Almost a matter
of attitude.


Definitions added April 4, 2022

Web Browser tool
1. application software for accessing the World Wide Web. The purpose of a web browser is to fetch content from the Web or from a local storage device and display it on a user's device…retrieved with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

Features of these poems as ppi:
a restless refreshing and eager
in-page search party,
thirsty links and impertinent
form drops full of shameless
asks, buttons and buttons
(with an Amish lack of flair),
commentary and near-commentary,
out and cantankerous text
formatting to obscure,
from root to source
to a meta-proof
of multimedia-coquetry
and plenty of places to tuck.


ASCII an acronym, a code a-skee
1. a code for representing alphanumeric information, 1963, from computer nerds

Just ask me about ASCII—
with binary bits and bytes,
semaphores of billet doux
bullets—who ever said
pixels aren’t full of wilderness
and blood?

Do you even need to find the machine
that makes sense of this?

073 032 108 111 118 101 032 121 111 117 046

the translator who knows what I mean?

Mouth noun maùth
1. the natural opening through which food passes into the body of an animal and which in vertebrates is typically bounded externally by the lips and internally by the pharynx and encloses the tongue, gums, and teeth, Indo-European

The courtyard of the soul
where we all arrive
to both take it in
or dish it out
with tongue and teeth
and all our muggy airs.

The opening into which
you wish to crawl
like into a jar
or trumpet
or well.

Where the heart goes
to break.


Definitions added April 11, 2022

(after Digital Poetry Theory)

Manifesto noun ma-nə-'fe-stó
1. a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer, 1630 from Latin

A short dress exposing long legs,
a protrusion,
a meanness,
a philandering dalliance
of profession.

A fuss, a wank,
a tease, a credo,

a masquerade of a vow.


Bed noun bed
1. a piece of furniture on or in which to lie and sleep, a place of sex relations, 12th Century from Old Norse
2. a supporting surface or structure, foundation

A text bed in the digital sense,
in a poetic sense,
the bed we begin with
built on articulation
and ambition.

The cows we own,
the wood in the pile,
the materials at hand.


Seed noun séd
1. the grains or ripened ovules of plants used for sowing, a developmental form of an animal, 12th Century from Old English
3. a source of development or growth

Known in verse as the seed text,
more focused, seminal,
important, the pivot,
the spring,
breaking ground with a hoe,
the crop we mine, mine, mine,

instrumental, conducive to
the precursor,

the bed of the seed.


Meaninglessness adjective or noun mé-niŋ-ləs
Merriam-Webster and Oxford Languages via Google
1. having no meaning, 1796 from Middle English
2. having no assigned function in a language system

Procedural meaninglessness,
montage meaninglessness,
randomizer-brand vibrators.

Decades working pitfalls,
proving, defining, rationalizing,
eating and sleeping with the self

has hurt us.

Turns out
we were just fucking ourselves.

And now there is nothing left to hold on to.


Tour de Force noun túr-də-'fórs
Oxford Languages via Google
1. an impressive performance or achievement that has been accomplished or managed with great skill. 1802, French

If only we could be as brave
with the heart
as we are with the art.

But then the heart is full of art:
whitewash and graffiti, theatrics,
argument, song and dance,

a real tour de force.

Sacrificing the heart to art
is an affair of reluctance
and indisposition.

Does it belong there?
Does it matter there?
Art serves the heart well

with tricks of trade,
but the heart uncovers and opens,
unlocks the inconspicuous

and undoes its art.
Art conspires and colludes
while the heart forfeits.


Definitions added April 18, 2022

Lilac noun 'lí-läk
1. a widely cultivated European shrub of the olive family that has cordate ovate leaves and large panicles of fragrant pinkish-purple or white flowers, 1625, from Sanskrit
2. a variable color averaging a moderate purple

A real Isabela she had a green way,
my grandmother, with her armada

of lilacs marching along
like a 6th Street fence,

her sentry and rampart
beyond which grew

the tough little grass
of her descendants.

Those lilacs hid the shady porch
where a sick calf froze one winter.

That wabi-sabi adobe
at the corner and crossroads

of a grand horse opera
replete with weeds and rocks

averaging a moderate flower
to show the plains a throne,

averaging a moderate purple
across the taciturn expanse.


Cowboy noun 'kaú-bói
Merriam-Webster and
1. one who tends cattle or horses, a mounted cattle-ranch hand, from cowhand, 1852, American English

When I think of the cowboys
I have known, the first real one
was probably Jarrid, age five.

On his ranchlands north of town
we would run and run toward the horizon
of grass and sky, a borderline seemingly
unreachable but in reality a cliff’s edge
over a steep plateau. I never made it
to that edge, but Jarrid did a long, long time ago.

He had all the playthings of a cowboy,
although he already was a real one:
toy guns and belts and hats, wool shirts
and, most importantly to me,
dolls, cowboy dolls,
with an astonishing verisimilitude
to Barbie and her friends;
although these particular boys
had little soft plastic vests,
hard plastic boots and slender, whispering,
miniature plastic lariats you could hook
delicately into little plastic cowboy hands.

I have a delicious and distinct memory
of sitting on the floor in Jarrid’s bedroom,
the hard sun coming in through the window
and me squinching soft plastic cowboy hats
onto hard plastic cowboy heads.

(Sometimes, to this day,
when I am sent into my father’s closet
to grab something he can no longer reach,
I will sneak down the cardboard hatbox
with my grandfather’s old, weatherworn
cowboy hat and place it,
onto my own head.)

Jarrid was a year younger than me,
and even without me he ran and ran,
as memory serves, once into a still train.
He bruised easily. He had leukemia.
You had to be careful with him.

His father was a tall, thin cowboy
with a big handle-bar mustache.
He never spoke and his mouth rarely broke
into a smile, at least that I can recall.
At small town events, the man would lean
against the walls of church basements
and mason halls, far away from the riff-raff
and he would scare the shit out of me.

In Jarrid’s room with all the plastic cowboys,
I often worried his father would come home
from the high plains to stand scowling at Jarrid’s door
just to scare the shit out of me.
I would see him again years later
and wonder what it was I had been so afraid of
except the heavy silence of stern-looking men.

After all, he played bridge with my grandparents.
For God’s sake, who could be afraid
of a bridge-playing cowboy?

Actually, I don’t think that has anything
to do with anything.

His mother once told my mother
it was hard for her to see me sometimes
all these years after Jarrid has died,
(he was 8 years old when he got to that horizon,
leaving me behind in the dust and sunshine),
because I could not help but remind her
of where he was and where he could have been.

We are tethered that way, Jarrid and me.
And I believe he is our bellwether soul,
the sheep out in the front of the flock
with the bell and marching ahead
to where we will all go.


Reata noun ré-'a-tə
Merriam-Webster and
1.lariat, a long light rope (as of hemp or leather) used with a running noose to catch livestock or tether grazing animals, 1846 from American Spanish

Lasso is the verb, lariat is the noun,
in Spanish reata, which in slang also means
drunken penis; the Internet taught me this,
not horses, cows or cowboys.

A lariat is a trick, a scary ruse
for the cow or horse.
See it floating above in mid-air,
wavering, wobbling and tense
for all its showy impressions
of slack and play?

And I say this to the reata:
I know nothing,
I have no answers.
I don’t invest or sway
influence. It’s possible my love
is good for nothing

I have never asked
for anything that isn’t mine
and not to be crushed by the world that is.

El amor es una reata.

I only ask for the strength
to show up
and feel it.


Explication noun ek-splə-'ká-shən
1. to give a detailed explanation of, to develop the implications of, analyze logically, 1531 from Latin

Marcel Proust deconstructed love
and longing like a scientist
or a machinist.

The thing that catches
the unsettled, wild Swann.
What was the catch?

Was it the Vinteuil sonata
or thinking of a Botticelli
or just two people caught
in a moment unlocking itself?


Definitions added April 27, 2022

Remediation noun ri-'mé-dé-'a-shən
Writing Skills Lab and Digital Rhetoric Collaborative
Defined as “the representation of one medium in another, a defining characteristic of the new digital media” (Bolter and Grusin). New media may revise, repurpose, remix, reference, and/or compete with older media.

Everything that pours through these nets,
especially anything old and made for other transmissions,
has been remediated, revised and repurposed,

embedded with new assumptions and affordances
but reflecting back on old assumptions and affordances.
The you that goes through another media or medium,

the new sound in a gesture of engineering
the textile of you, the yarn, the spin of wire.
When the context changes, the memory changes.

And now I can’t remember what I was assuming
all those years ago. I became new when I typed
out an M and an E and then published myself to you.


Treading Water verb trediŋ wó-tər
3. to keep the body nearly upright in the water and the head above water by a treading motion of the feet usually aided by the hands, Old High German

Use in a sentence:
You can only tread water
for so long before you start to sink.

There was a kid at our neighborhood pool,
I can’t remember his name (so let’s call him Bruce).
One of the only things I remember about him
was his speedo swimsuit, (de rigueur
for 8-year old boys at the time),
and that his was unfortunately a light shade of tan
and when wet completely see-through as he paraded
between the snack bar and the kiddie-pool’s
water-sprouting feature. Everyone saw it
but no one dared mention it to him,
especially me as I was running around in circles
in my Wonder Woman swimsuit feeling invincible.

Later that same year in music class we were asked
to show-and-tell our favorite song and recording artist.
I had just moved to this French city from a Spanish place.
I loved Sonny & Cher but I wasn’t about to come out about it.
Jesus, that would have been social suicide.

I went home from school that day and found my brother
(who would have been about 13 at the time):
“Randy! Randy! You have to tell me
everything you know about the Beatles!”

He loved the Beatles and had that red-gatefold album
where they’re leaning over a balcony and looking alike.
Randy flipped the cover over to the back
and I could suddenly make sense of it.

He helped me memorize their names, (and dammit,
they all had completely generic names except Ringo),
and then we worked out a speech
and he picked out the song “Help
which was the big tactical mistake in hindsight.
What eight-year old girl would pick “Help,”
especially this one? I should have picked
You've Got To Hide Your Love Away
which I had heard Randy play a million times and actually liked,
(although I had no idea what it meant;
was love like a stack of Mad Magazines you try to keep away
from an annoying little sister?),
or “We Can Work It Out”
which Sonny & Cher sang all the time on their TV show,
or if I could have shook myself from the future
and picked the perfectly literary “Eleanor Rigby.”

But no. We picked “Help;”
and so I schlepped Randy’s Red album to music class
and while I sat and waited for every other kid
to trudge through their musical beloveds,
Bruce stood up, (yeah, speedo guy),
and did his presentation on…
the Beatles!

Shit. This was a disaster. A Beatle fan would surely
see through my conspiratorial fraudulence.
I procrastinated as long as possible and finally stood up
in front of that audience of 26 hungry little sharks
(and Bruce), stoically espousing Beatlemania
and all the while looking over at him where I could tell
he wasn’t buying any of it standing there
in the back of the classroom.
And when I finally set the needle to “Help,”
I saw him back there shaking his head very, very slowly.

A year later for Christmas I got the Sonny & Cher Live album
which was filled with at least three lounge-act Beatles covers
and my brother acted absolutely aggrieved every time I played that thing,
(which was quite a lot), and probably regretted ever helping me
pretend I wasn’t who I was in the first place.

Definitions added May 9, 2022

Fame noun fám
1.a Public estimation, reputation
1.b Popular acclaim, renown, 13th Century Middle-English

There’s a joke among us
about why poets are so cutthroat?
It’s because the stakes are so low.

It would follow some benefit
to being a famous dead poet
or even an obscure one dodging

the flash of the guillotine,
the hobgoblins and banshees.
Avoiding everything

both glorious and monstrous,
if you can swing it
like a baseball just short of the fence.

We’re pleasant to our dead.
We give them every opportunity
and leisure to enjoy their laurels.

When you’re dead
no one can hurt your feelings
and so no one tries.


Entrée noun en·trée
3. freedom of entry or access, 1775, French

Sometimes I wonder what I’m doing here
but looking for trouble,
putting up tent poles in a faraway place.

Not unlike the city of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores
de Las Vegas Grandes, I should be
trying to lay low and keep a good thing quiet.

It would seem keeping guarded admittance
to a people, a place or a stockpile
belongs to the rich and poor alike.

Rope off the freeway exits
or lay unassuming like a glen,
like Our Lady of the Sorrows

of the Great Meadows
or like Puerto Vallarta
before Liz and Dick arrived.

Like a surround of honeysuckle
some five-year old deems an ideal place
because she didn’t know any better;

and how that place maintains a prudent perfection
to this very day
because now she does.


Fortune noun for·tune
1.a a very large sum of money
1.b riches, wealth
1.c a store of material possessions, 14th Century, Middle English

After Santa Claus was finally exposed as a myth,
my mother told us we had a price-limit on Christmas gifts
and it was a veritable fortune for a kid back in the 1970s.
It encouraged me to believe my parents were secretly wealthy.
They were not. This was my grandmother’s money. Every year.
I now wish I had been nicer to my grandmother Christmas morning
instead of seeing her as ancillary to the bow and paper-strewn shenanigans.

My mother would sit me down at the kitchen table
with the Sears catalogue and a calculator.
And if my Christmas list went over the limit by a dollar,
I would throw my fists to the sky and exclaim,
“Arg! Something’s gotta go!”

And it only happened once, but one year
I got everything on that list. Every single thing.
I was so happy that day I could barely contain myself.
And I have to tell you, it was fucking awesome.
And that fucking awesomeness lasted about 24-hours

until I woke up the next morning—
when, abruptly, it felt just like any other day.
All the glorious stuff was suddenly old hat.
Miraculously. Overnight.

This is a lesson of privilege and fortune
if nothing else is. Not everyone can have it,
this unwrappable endowment of bittersweet wisdom,
to feel that prank of wanting, which has nothing much to do
with that which could really satisfy you—
deep down in your vibrating nerve and marrow.

Last year I was following my mother through the aisles
of Discount Drug Mart in Brunswick Ohio,
a likely Christmas-list of a store as you will ever find.
I had to duck down the aisle of greetings
and cry for two minutes because I’m 52-years old
and my mother is still asking me if I want anything;
she’ll get it for me just like those point-of-sale rubber balls
I once craved or packs of Cosmic Candy. I stood and cried
between the shelves of wrapping paper and all the pretty bows
because what I want more than anything is time.


Secret adjective sé-krət
1.a kept from knowledge or view, hidden
1.b marked by the habit of discretion, closemouthed
1.d not acknowledged, unavowed
1.e: conducted in secret
2. remote from human frequentation or notice, secluded
3. revealed only to the initiated, esoteric, 14th Century

I’ve been thinking lately about the compounds
of a secret and why it’s structured

the way it is, its vascular dimensions,
its palisades and compartments.

What history brings it to be,
what concern or business.

How no secret between people
can be installed or established

without trust
or without a lack of trust.


Yin-yang noun yínyáng
In Ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang, dark-light, negative-positive is a Chinese philosophical concept that describes how obviously opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Old Chinese.

These days there are no guarantees,
but I have seen junctures of time
where calamities were quietly underwriting
good fellowship.

And I have been at the crossroads
of the misfortunate turned miraculous.
The dips and peaks have worn me out
into a wabi-sabi little old owl,

someone willing to accept a long list
of things I don’t understand.
You only know what you know.
It's like devastating sinkholes

that swallow up what little bittersweets
you’ve managed to hunt and gather,
like the newly discovered Karst sinkhole
in China, big enough to hold

the Gateway to the West,
a stupendous sinkhole deep enough
for spelunkers to parachute through its air
in order to study its despair.

And instead they found a forest
of ancient trees and a new world
of underground geosphere
unfolding beyond your dreams.


Definitions added May 13, 2022

Recipe noun 're-sə-pé
1. a prescription
2. a set of instructions for making something from various ingredients
3. a formula or procedure for doing or attaining something, Latin

If you bring sugar I will bring sugar.
If you bring bitter I will bring bitter.

If you bring fear I will bring fear.
If you bring anger I will bring anger.

It’s an unavoidable recipe of my physics.

If you bring pride I will bring pride.
If you bring silence I will bring silence.

If you bring curiosity I will bring curiosity.
If you bring your true self I will bring mine.

It’s the inevitable geometry of my scaffolding.

I operate like the universe I am a part of,
the same science, the same church.

We will undoubtedly bring doubts.
They are like weeds—
and what flower grows without these.


Definition added May 18, 2022

Correlation does not imply causation saying in statistics
Statistics Knowledge Portal
Correlation tests for a relationship between two variables. However, seeing two variables moving together does not necessarily mean we know whether one variable causes the other to occur. This is why we commonly say “correlation does not imply causation.” A strong correlation might indicate causality, but there could easily be other explanations…” from data nerds

It's popular among data folk
to look over pretty line graphs
and say things like, “interesting
but unrelated.”

Or “related maybe
but not the cause of,
not due to, not grown out of…”

And this is pertinent to what I’m going through right now.
Which is why I bring it up.
Not to illustrate pies and bars.

Correlation is the in spite of
in relations to another figure,
not because of that one, nor a breakdown in the two,
not problems with a coaction.

If you can understand
the inconvenient but ultimately
beloved difference.

Or how big these words really are:
however, nevertheless, nonetheless
despite, irrespective of,
regardless of, regardless, irregardless,
even then, even so, even though,
notwithstanding that, no matter,

Significant adjective sig-'ni-fi-kənt
1. having meaning
2.a. having or likely to have influence or effect, important
2.b. probably caused by something other than mere chance, Latin

I’m guessing you don’t think
it was significant
at the end of the day.

That it made no difference,
was inconsequential.

Nary a ripple or sound.
Of no registered magnitude.
No milestone reached.

But I think it made a difference
like a sizable but silent flood of water
quietly soaking into the dirt ground
and giving packing orders
to thousands of mice.


Definitions added May 20, 2022

after The Rockford Files*

Jealous adjective ‘je-ləs
1. Hostility toward a rival or one believed to enjoy an advantage, from Latin

I could maybe do a dissertation on The Rockford Files
starting from the answering machine gags before the theme song plays,
(new-media, postmodern humor about a brand-new technology),
and the iconic theme song itself, where streaming prompts me to “Skip Intro”
but who on earth would want to do that and miss all the haggardly regal
and put-out mugs of the late, great James Garner?

He limps up and down scrubby hills and doesn’t get paid half the time.
He makes me care about car chases through LA’s scenic boulevards,
waiting to see all his parking-lot duck-down fake-outs.

Any man on the show who is not James Garner looks downright slimy,
heavies like James Woods, Joseph Campanella, Abe Vigoda,
Eddie Fontaine, Jackie Cooper (who also directed 4 episodes),
Tom Selleck.

Rockford’s a yellow-page private dick living in a rusted-out beach trailer,
but he’s still James Garner after all and he always gets the girl,
the 1970s finest, in fact, go-getters with big eyelashes.
I like to watch them thicken the plots and think about
which ones you might be attracted to.

Like Lindsay Wagner, looking fresh-faced in the pilot movie;
or Susan Strasberg (#44, “A Bad Deal in the Valley“), who is a little old
but still looks great under a hat; or the irresistible Stefanie Powers
(#29, “The Real Easy Red Dog“), a private eye herself
in that cute yellow top I would borrow if I could;
Sherry Jackson (ibid.) looking perfect in a pink bikini;

Suzanne Somers (#7, “The Big Ripoff“) looking very girl-next-door
with car problems; her Three’s Company replacement,
the lovely Priscilla Barnes (#75, “The Mayor’s Committee From Deer Lick Falls“);
the urgently sensible Joan Van Ark (#8, “Find Me If You Can,“
#30, “Resurrection in Black and White,“ and #56, “There’s One in Every Port“);
Shelley Fabares (#11, “Caledonia—It’s Worth a Fortune“);

the impeccable jawline of Mary Frann (#16, “Counter Gambit“);
Linda Evans (#17, “Claire, “ and #24, “The Farnsworth Stratagem“)
who sleeps with Rockford even as she’s scamming him;
Janet MacLachlan (#27, “The Deep Blue Sleep“) just trying
to work hard and get ahead with the handsome Robert Hayes as her assistant,
(credited very presidentially as Robert B. Hayes);
Sharon Glass (#85, “The Fourth Man“) who is not as pretty as the others
but has sexy chemistry with Rockford nonetheless;

the pouty prettiness of Joanne Nail (#71, “The Dog and Pony Show“);
the old glamour and intensity of Barbara Babcock
(#74, “Irving the Explainer“); the incomparable Rita Moreno
(#82, “The Paper Palace,“ #89, “Rosendahl and Gilda Stern Are Dead,“
and #115, “No-Fault Affair“), the utterly capable Mariette Hartley
(#108, “Paradise Cove“), a young Erin Gray (#99, “With the French Heel Back,
Can the Nehru Jacket Be Far Behind“); Lauren Bacall (#109,
“Lions, Tigers, Monkeys and Dogs“), a real score that;

or the one I’ve saved for last, my personal favorite,
the adorable Sian Barbara Allen (#5, “Tall Woman in a Red Wagon“)
who works on Rockford’s last nerve for 45 minutes
until, after various perilous adventures that end up
with Rockford in a hospital bed, she says
“It happened, didn’t it? I grew on you.”
And Rockford smiles at her and says, “Yeah. Yeah, you did.”

Aww, Sian Barbara Allen! You grew on me, too!

But this is not about the women I love.
This is about the women you love,
girls who wear no seat belts and never slam up against the dashboard
when the Firebird Esprit embanks on the sand dune.
The girls Rockford drives around LA, girls holding on
to the window frame in the passenger seat,
girls in the catbird seat. Is this jealousy,
thinking about fiction's loveliest ladies
in the most cliched of Hollywood’s car chases?

No, it’s not the girls in the car; those girls are fine.
Those girls are my girls, too. It’s the ones
who make it back to Rockford’s shitty trailer
the ones with Rockford’s arms thrown around them,
watching his crappy coffee-table-top television,
the ones who get to peruse his half-assed bookshelf
and the bed crammed halfway into his bedroom closet.
Those lucky girls squeamishly taking a seat among the Rockford debris.

And it’s not jealousy, by the way.

It’s sorrow.


*Episode numbers and titles from Ed Robertsons’ episode guide (1995)

Definition added May 25, 2022






Song noun 'sóŋ
1. the act or art of singing
2. poetical composition
3.a. a short musical composition of words and music
4.a distinctive or characteristic sound or series of sounds (as of a bird, insect, or whale), Old English

Can I tell you this? I listen to those songs every day,
(except for days when I’m hiking or driving or flying),

as the bombs of bad news fall onto the lawn
and the little girls next door wear their face shields
to show me the new array of Girl Scout Cookies,

all the while I’m hoping they make it through this growing-up thing.
I listen to those songs every single day
for something like three weeks now is it?

as the rain dries up into bullets and the fires spread
burning generations of a history that defies
the very idea of country. And then there’s the little bird
who died overnight after hitting the crescent window yesterday.
It was so shocking; the window is so dirty.
What did he see there?

and so as the neighborhood prepares for harder days
to come and the world makes shifts from rebellious to perilous,
love becomes a bigger imperative in this project,
as does love’s music.


Reading noun 'rê-diŋ
3.b data indicated by an instrument
4.a. a particular interpretation of something (such as a law)
4.b. a. particular performance of something (such as a musical work)
5. an indication of a certain state of affairs, Old English

“Maybe that was just me.
Maybe that’s just the way I read it.”
—Billy Collins, “Workshop

Interpretations are dangerous.
You instinctually know this, right?
Ambiguity imbued in everything.

What if we are simply seeing
what we want to see?

I look into a mirror
and I cannot see what I need to see,
parsing the reality from the folly.

Which makes reading
a kind of dangerous thing.
Standing still and reading.

I have a friend who reads numbers
into everything from movies to D.H. Lawrence
novels to my poems and even my Cher records.

I don’t always know when he’s being serious
and when he’s poking me with folly.

And so here we are—in I don’t know where.
And so here I am—in I don’t know what
direction is forward or backward.

Words can send you wandering
out to where everything is the wrong way
more often than not.

Or words can be like a key left out
under a doormat and then when found
the key disappears.

And when found you can tell me something
only I would know you would know.
What you do with this is up to you.


Definitions added May 27, 2022

Satellite noun 'sa-təl-lit
1. a celestial body orbiting another of larger size, 1520 from Latin

“I never thought of them as anything but what they were:
secret little speeches addressed to the moon.”
— Philip Levine

Light across my face, falling between
my fingers as I write to the moon.

Who doesn’t expect the moon to disappear
and then return again?

We are revolving all of us,
celestial bodies in a cycle of centuries.

The moon is full of silent benevolence.
Who would expect the moon to speak?

The moon is full of prudence.
Who would expect a folly moon?

But then of course the moon is speaking
as we waltz through time and space.

It’s just that the moon is too many miles away
for any big wide world to hear.

Definition added July 21, 2022

Small adjective smól
1.a Having comparatively little size or slight dimensions, lowercase, 12th Century, Old High German
2.a Minor in influence, power, or rank
3. Lacking in strength, a small voice
4.a Little or close to zero in an objectively measurable aspect (such as quantity)
5.a Of little consequence, trivial
5.b Humble, modest
7.a Mean, petty
7.b Reduced to a humiliating position

I was giving it the wrong words:
+ crazy
+ tragedy;
but those are not the right words.
Those words are too big.

(Thank you Brené Brown)

Everyone thinks self-help will be big,

But more often it is a very small thing,
like an inch away from whatever it was,
like an inch away from where the sidewalk ends
and disaster begins.

Big in its unbelievable


Quicksand noun 'kwik-sand
1. Sand readily yielding to pressure, especially a deep mass of loose sand mixed with water into which heavy objects readily sink, 14th Century, Old English
2. Something that entraps or frustrates

There will never be footing here
in the quicksand
although the leaves of the cottonwoods
wave like friendly little allies
and the sun shining through them
dapples us with happy shadows.

It can be very pleasant
to be mired in a perplexed quarry
where any kind of effort is beside the point,
where even the snakes are
uncomfortable as to how to proceed
with their deathly stinging.

There will never be a thing called footing here,
a foothold, a position, solid ground.


Inheritance noun in-'her-ə-tən(t)s
2.a The act of inheriting property, 14th Century, Anglo-French
2.b The reception of genetic qualities by transmission from parent to offspring.
2.c The acquisition of a possession, condition, or trait from past generations.
3.a Tradition
4. (obsolete) Possession

Keep your power and strategy;
keep your reign and authority.
Keep your order and control;
keep all the marking rigamarole.

I bequeath legitimacy to you,
loot never in my deed to give.
Stocks of money, honor and screw,
all the hooey you will never outlive.

I will keep my many poverties.
I will keep my claims.
I will keep the hillbilly monarchy,
the rusty river pewter and my theory of games.

On this power line, we are just birds;
peace and home are themselves just words.


Definition added August 19, 2022

Origin Myth noun ór-ə-jən 'mith
One type of origin myth is the creation or cosmogonic myth, a story that describes the creation of the world. However, many cultures have stories set in a time after a first origin - such stories aim to account for the beginnings of natural phenomena or of human institutions within a preexisting universe.


Anthropology professors
love to give this homework:
write your own origin myths,

something both logical and surreal
like the grand totems of 3,800 cultures
who do this every day

with landscapes at hand.
But it’s so damn wide open,
this storytelling thing.

And I never know if the whole point
is to teach us to respect the beliefs of others
or to see just see them all

as firmaments in our imaginations.

1. Shoelaces

We were standing at the edge of the place where you jump back in
to another life

And he said “ready, set….go!”
And I said “hold up…my shoelace
is untied.”

But he was already gone.
And I thought, “ah shit,
that’s really gonna fuck things up.”

And this is why my shoelaces
are always coming untied
to this very day.

2. Talking Dirt with a Lion

When we are born, we are all assigned a spirit animal
and one day I was complaining to mine,
a very nice lion person to whom I was admitting
that I did not feel much like a fire sign,
that I did not love the fireplace as much as, say,
the air sign in the house did. (But then air
is a big ingredient in a flame.)

The big, beautiful head of the lion nodded.

I said I felt drawn to water but sensed
I was not made of it, not like the rocks,
the dirt, mud and caliche that makes up the roadway,
(the word caliche itself is a part of my mythology),
these houses, clay bowls and all the gravely
and volcanic vernaculars.

This lion assigned to me told me this was not strange
because in an Eastern paradigm,
which the lion had been reading extensively about,
I was the earth sign.

I felt much better about this
and I’m now emailing my lion the sound of my feet
crunching across the naked earth
and the lion is now snail-mailing me fancy rocks.

3. Loan Forgiveness

The great polar bear of forbearance
was explaining to me how debt works.

He crossed his fat, furry legs and said,
“When you are born into debt,
you know you cannot afford
to take on more
by grabbing.”

And I accused him of being smug
which he didn’t like but he could not be deterred
because he was an all-business bear.

He said, “You know you cannot afford
to stand at the cliff of your next life
heavy with the same mortgages.
You can’t make another hard-luck rollover
and live another life with your heart stuck
in fond arrears.”

I told him not to lecture me about love,
that I was an old soul
and had been through this many times before,
although I couldn’t remember any of those times.

The great polar bear leaned back very smugly and said
(like a good, mythical, therapist-type creature),
“And so how’s that been workin’ out for you?”

The crickets all had a lot to say about that
but not me.

“You have to wait until things are given,”
he went on, “and take only what is given
and find that the going-without can feel
like a gift on the verge of being bestowed.”

And that was a mythy little piece of advice
that felt both heartbreaking and heart-warming.
But I didn’t say that. I told him it sounded
like a crock of shit.

And you know what he said?
“Don’t yell at me, lady. This is your origin story.”


Definition added August 25, 2022

Imminent adjective 'i-mə-nənt
1. ready to take place, happening soon, often used of something bad or dangerous seen as menacingly near, Middle English

This phantasma feels
imminently going,
if I had to describe the gloom,
a state of matter so fragile
it’s on the brink of perpetual

It's not death, another
dreadful shade. Not terminal
but terminated, Over.

Even as it has lasted the year,
even as the years before,
even as likely plenty
of dreadful terminus.

But even so—
it keeps its wily imminence;
and every time the spirit comes
I try to go into the space
of Gone— bravely and solid,
into the Close carrying
the last auspices
of the words I possess.


Definition added March 18, 2023

Drill verb dril
1.a. to fix something in the mind by repetitive instruction
2. to make a whole with a drill, Dutch, 1619

“Stop drilling; you’ve struck oil!”

It would take more than something pithy to stop the pulling and the pulled,
something stronger to make me want to halt the machines?

What expression is strong enough to make me want to stop covering you with it,
the glistening of energy itself and you floating in the night of it?

The pipelines are riddled with quivers all the way down into the stratum,
the mantle and the core. The essence of me will make you rich.


Overlength adjective ó-vər-leŋ(k)th
Being of more than standard or ordinary length, 1941

Is it because we are far away?
Too far?
Unreasonably far?
Excessively far?
An impossible, impractical, unfeasibility?
A bamboozled and accursed remote?
Unreal, a ghost, inconceivable?
A problem of profession?
A problem of convention?
Like a lodestone tugging against
centripetal force?
What keeps the satellites coasting
nearby and so aloof?
Are they doing it on purpose?
Are they going to change course?
Do you think so?

Definitions added April 18, 2023

Compass noun 'kəm-pəs
Merriam-Webster and Oxford
1. A guiding or motivating purpose or principle.
2. An instrument containing a magnetized pointer which shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it, 14th Century, Middle English from Latin.

The dial, the needle aligning
after the unnerving spinning,
seized between two poles.

This compass could take you there,
get you what you want.
You just have to walk.

Pass through the pass is all.

Don’t you, do you?
Won’t you, will you?

The circle in the hand,
reorienting you,
head up into a valley
of a gospel.
Past the acequia
there is a new idea,

another way to light out
for the borderlands.
I ‘aint talking about San Diego.

New means new.


Definition added April 20, 2023

Writer noun 'ri-tər
1. One that writes (to form characters, symbols, etc. on a surface with an instrument), 12th Century, Middle English from Old High German and perhaps Greek.

I feel like my brain has been erased down
to metal and wood;
I’m still dancing across the scroll
but I can’t take anything back.

And it’s only when I’m feeling good and sure
that laden ink will most certainly tip,
spill and then castigate the spread.
The swan’s quill will spit out its spite and crack.


Question noun 'kwes-chən
1a. An interrogative expression often used to test knowledge, 14th Century, Middle English from Latin
1b. A subject or aspect in dispute open for discussion, an issue, problem or matter
1d. The specific point at issue
2b. Interrogation, 2c. Torture as part of an interrogation
3. Chance, possibility, as in the question of outcome

I have explored words like grief, joy, persistence and resignation.
When you’re stuck, you have plenty of time to do this.
But something came to me recently, after four illnesses
and a long sleep. Something came to me recently
in a ridiculous package, one I can scarcely believe in.

But, as my grandfather said, you can learn wisdom from even a fool;
and likewise I believe sometimes eminent deliveries can come
from unlikely sources, like astrology, intricacies of which
Science has pressed and measured of all its weightlessness.
Yes, astrology is full of rickety runes, however sometimes
a key can arrive on wobbly things. This may be how they are
safe to travel, in rubes and bunk. And this is one of the challenges,
one of the heroic obstacles, as it were, of how you have to be,
both guarded and cautiously open, even available
to affairs especially treacherous to someone like me,
so chatty and yet so immobile.

Which is all to say a sword is in the stone,
Excalibur and Arthur’s Theme and all that.
It is exactly the thing you think you cannot do,
the thing all the yous before you could not do.
It has nothing to do with perseverance.
The sword doesn’t respond to joy and grief.
Isn’t fooled by bravado or resignation either way.
It will either work for you or not work for you.
The sword will either stay, perplexed and locked,
or it will give way, give away, give a way.

Which is to say if you are the one who belongs to the sword
it will reveal itself only when you endeavor it,
when you discover if the hard has now become soft,
or not, by which we will then know the answer to that,
to this overlong and arduous quest of ours.

Which is not to say everything should be easy on the drive
(thanks for asking), the hero’s journey to discover the stone
in the first place. Words may help in getting you there, I suppose.
It may take joy and grief to get over the mountain,
persistence and resignation in turns through the caves.
Obstacles are meant to obscure, their obstructions
sometimes perilous, sometimes ridiculous.

But these things are powerless at the stone.
Like they say, you can’t draw blood or a sword
from a stone. To be clear, we’re all clear on that point:
the effort’s sheer impossibility is most admittedly
well recorded by you.

Therefore, it is precisely the time when you can say
I am now able to do this thing that prior mes
were unable to do. The task’s self-evidence
is the very thing swords sit waiting in rocks for;
although sometimes even they get resigned too,
throw up the gilded arms of their little cross-guards
and wonder why do they come up here, why do they even come?

And that is the point. You don’t come for what you don’t need.
The sword can either solve it or not solve it.
What you cannot do is the whole question here,
whatever effort you have found erstwhile impossible.
That’s Excalibur (and Arthur’s Theme and all that).
It is your feeling it (and only you can feel it)
that we tell us. And only then
will the sword be made to move.
Only then will I be able to tell you
what we can do for you.

So many questions, so many
down to one. And that is the question;
only effort will answer it. Every single
question categorically a quest.


Definitions added May 7, 2023

Like verb 'lik
1.a. To feel attraction toward or take pleasure in, Middle English from Old English.

     After Gertrude Stein

This is what girls do
Girls who like you do
They do these things
Girls who like you
Girls who like you do

This is what the boys will do
Boy who like you do
They will do these things
And always these things
Boys who like you do

They do these things, always these things
Except the ones who don’t do those things
Boys who don’t like you won’t do
And girls who like you who sometimes do
Not do these things, girls who still like you
Won’t do
Those things we do
Those things we have come to expect
Those who like us to do


Definition added May 22, 2023

Bank noun 'baŋk
1. a mound, pile, or ridge raised above the surrounding level: such as a piled-up mass of cloud or fog
2. an establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue of money, for the extension of credit, and for facilitating the transmission of funds, a supply of something held in reserve, Middle English

Every day I am at the bank of karma.
Every day I face a teller asking
what do I owe?

While everyone else is out making money,
climbing Mount Everest, crafting
their becoming memorials,
I am at the bank of karma
every day counting change.

Some days it’s a fortress of granite.
Some days it’s a river.
Some days they just don’t show
and I sit like a sentinel on the debt.

I sit monastically, nunnishly,
like a paperweight sitting on a mortgage,
like a clerk, a bookkeeper, custodian
or caretaker, like an archivist, a fiduciary.

People ask me what have I done
with my life?
And I say,
I go to the karma bank every day,
day after day, year after year,
working off the mistakes
I surely made.

Every day I pay the fines
willingly, graciously,
with all the riches I’ve been given.
And I will work off the balance,
pay off mine and I’ll pay off yours.

I show up every day at the bank,
rain or shine,
so our next life will be better.


Definition added May 24, 2023

Plastic noun 'pla-stik
1. Any of numerous organic synthetic or processed materials that are mostly thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers of high molecular weight and that can be made into objects, films, or filaments
3. Capable of being molded or modeled, capable of adapting to varying conditions, pliable, Greek

Holding place on the Great Plains,
things that hold plain things:
hearts, boxes and bags,
not like paper or wood,
sun-shredding into splinters
or steel raking through the skin
of the field. Our mettle and marrow
is plastic, disembodied
and accommodating,
often caught in a barbed-wire fence
where the wind tugs and pulls
and we rip. We are all nerve then,
flapping histrionically in the wind shear.
Passing by, they can feel it
and it’s not pleasant.
Over time we’re torn to shreds this way.
They can feel it in their chests
of things: hearts, lungs, esophagus.
We endure the windblown assault
splitting the land and twisting us
into ropes and fray. We hold on
to the sharp barbs and look across
the line of the wire fence
where hundreds of shreds
are flailing in this wind up.
Driving past us, they always think
this must be the worst, most grievous thing
for us, our plastic torment. But actually
we call this a rest stop.


Definition added May 30, 2023

Walk verb 'wȯk
1a. To move along on foot, advance by steps
1b. To come or go easily or readily
7c. To roam or wander, Middle English

How about we go for a walk
in perfect silence, in a hush
of secret understanding,
arm in arm around the problem,
in deafness and deference
around the block, acquiescence
to a futility that will give us,
like a restful truce—
everything we want.

Definition added June 9, 2023

Letter noun 'le-tər
1a. A symbol usually written or printed representing a speech sound and constituting a unit of an alphabet
2a. A direct or personal written or printed message addressed to a person or organization, Middle English from Latin

From Emily Dickinson’s envelope poems

“the happy trouble toward you”

Is there a thing called happy despair?
There is. There is such a thing.

“In this short life that only merely lasts an hour, how much—
how little—is within our power”

Our life on a match, alighting on the blood-red tip,
what would we give for a hearty, long-lived hour?

“I cannot suppose—not of others.”

What is it you say?
What is it you have to say?

“Attest me this—remit me this—abbreviate me this”

Table me this. Brave me this. Hold this for me.
Will you hold this love for me?

“Yet that pathetic pendulum keeps esoteric time”

Is it the pump of time? Is it the clock of hearts?
The soft tap we make on the pendulum of feelings.

“What a hazard a letter is.”

I’m in a panic over dwindling time;
why on earth would I want to waste it?

Definition added June 14, 2023

War Game transitive verb 'wór-gâm
1. to plan or conduct in the manner of a war game, 1828

I don’t know how to walk through the trenches.
I can’t navigate land mines, breach barbed wire
transgress the moats. I can’t pick locks
(not even mine), vault the mighty fortress,
or muscle over ramparts. I can’t approach
crenelated parapets and the long-dead soldiers
who’ve approached your strongholds.
I am not yet a ghost (although I’m getting thinner).
So I can’t squeeze into gaps or permeate
a lifetime of fortitude’s own personal tenacity.
And surrender, what is a surrender across
the broad expanse, a field clear of anyone
you could possibly surrender to? So this letter
finds me at the periphery, miles from the citadel,
relaxing at the outskirts, watching incredible
fireworks stealing over those big, big walls.


Definition added June 19, 2023

Manhandle verb 'man-han-dəl
1. To handle roughly.
2. To move or manage by human force, 1851, Herman Melville

“His hands unlocking from chambers of my….body
…and the treasures of his mouth pour forth my soul.”
         —Robert Duncan

his hands his hands
his hand unlocking
his hands opening

those explorers
of caves and peaks
intrepid sailors
in a sea of hair
hands on his own

excavating hands
working hands
resting hands
praying hands

negotiating hands
bartering haggling
invitation hands


Definition added July 7, 2023

Spiraling intransitive verb 'spi-rəl-liŋ
Merriam-Webster and Urban Dictionary
1. To rise or fall in a spiral course, from Latin
2. A simplified way to describe a fast-declining mental or emotional state, often leading to short-term bouts of depression or anxiety

Back again behind the line
like ink bullied by the determined
and sharp-toothed Spirograph,
a flat-spinning circuit
circling off the grid, bouncing back
and forth, around and around
into the next time—the next time—
the next, two circles interweaving
in offset coursing trends, circles
careening off the track into a tilt,
one round wheel tugging at the other,
a tangled draw through the plains and fields,
two animals circling, two lovebirds landing,
two devotees spiraling up like smoke
and then sinking into the loamy good.


Definition added July 12, 2023

Better adjective 'be-tər
Improved, Middle English

Not so for business reports
gone over badly, not true
for initial public offerings
that flop and suffocate
like dying fish, not the case
for CPR fails and code blue.
Not the misguides or guru
malpractice, foolishness,
the shortsights and idiocies,
the generally irresponsible
and deluded, the badly informed,
the naïve and reckless lunacies,
a winter march into Russia,
the radioactive meltdowns,
those famous icebergs,
an old-fashioned, timeless
mistake. But then you,
a beautiful little immunity,
counting my gifts of failure,
how far we’ve come,
the places we’ve been, better
for having tried.


Definition added July 20, 2023

Dutch noun, adverb 'dəch
1. Of or relating to the Netherlands or its inhabitants, from Middle Dutch
2. Each person paying his or her own way

I have cypresses.
I have cypresses.
I have cypresses.
As many as Van Gogh I have cypresses.
This is something I have.
Something I do have.


Written in the lobby of the Van Gogh’s Cypresses exhibit and after the Cecily Brown: Death and the Maid exhibit at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, August 4, Cecily Brown, Unentitled (Vanity)


World Wide Web noun dub-dub-dub
Merriam-Webster and Wikipedia
The World Wide Web (www), commonly known as the Web, is an information system enabling information to be shared over the Internet through simplified ways meant to appeal to users beyond IT specialists and hobbyists, as well as documents and other web resources to be accessed over the Internet according to specific rules, 1990

“the freight should be
Proportioned to the groove.”
         —Emily Dickinson

You are free to go.
I, however, am not
free to go. The web still spins
out of me like the road
somewhere worn down
in the ruts of wagon wheels
(ye olde ww).

I cannot remember
my analog atrocities of speech,
my wounded un-tokened self,
how I proliferated and profiteered
without protocol,
how I organized my chaos.

The tongue is broken,
the hounds in the axle cannot reach.
Bows are bowing.
Covers are dragging.

Don’t worry;
we can leave it all behind
like trash of the mission.
We can live in the real world now
where the magic is.

Everything else just points
to flesh, ones and zeroes,
all of us, the many zeroes,
the many ones, like forking roads,
the main one leading to zero
which signifies a heartless nothing
and yet somehow circles everything
incarnate in the wide, wide world.

Definitions added August 7, 2023

Skin noun 'skin
2.a the external limiting tissue layer of an animal body, Middle English

I like ASMR videos and motion picture foley.
And was told recently my love of Into Great Silence
was because this was a movie comprised entirely
of ASMR soundscapes: quiet little wood scrapes,
the clods of monkish footsteps, the sound of rain
and even falling snow.

The best foley is a real-life facial, those pseudo-scientific
procedures of beauty where when your eyes are closed
with cucumbers, you can hear the glass bottle tops
unscrewing and the mortar and pestle rubbing together,

unwrapping cellophane, steam blowing, goo glopping,
the paintbrush trailing along the skin and the soft voice
of the aesthetician, (just as aesthetic as you’d think),
softly explaining how medically the brightening serum works.

And later when you’re clomping out to your car,
car keys jangling in your hand, you think
“Well, that can’t be true.”


Definition added August 14, 2023

Venus Flytrap noun ''vè-nəs ‘flì-trap
1. An insectivorous plant (Dionaea muscipula) of the sundew family of the Carolina coast with the leaf apex modified into an insect trap, 1768

Named for both Venus and the daughter of Dione,
virtual love snares both of them and not least
for the way they blossom into pink heart shapes.

Cute when they’re small,
like little dragon pods
blind with white teeth.

They could grow up to be anything they wanted,
like Audrey Junior after she grafted
with Ficus Audrey, scary now, drawing blood.

When I was 15, I was that kind of burgeoning
seed of self-invention, crossbreed of ideas,
gawky, wistful, channeling rain

and brought to amazing things
with that rain, if I may say, burst
into flower from listening to it,

turning toward it,
absorbed and kindled both.
Now I take up all the room

despite my efforts
to be small and ascetic.
But we shouldn’t blame the rain

for sprouting wilderness;
rain didn’t know what it was cultivating;
rain was just doing its thing.

And now the insatiable Venus
she feels a drought coming.
Seems rain feels misunderstood.

Me? I don’t have any ideas
how a plant can survive without rain.
But maybe something will come to me.


Definition added August 24, 2023

Imagination noun i-ma-jə-'nà-shən
2.a. Creative ability
2.b. Ability to confront and deal with a problem, resourcefulness
(ex. Use your imagination and get us out of here)
2.c. The thinking or active mind, interest, Middle English

You will think of something.
You will figure out something.
Maybe it will even be something
surprisingly small. They say
a lot of little somethings
change the course of history,
change the course of a river.

You will think of something,
some breakthrough running
out there in the field.

You will find the horse
the idea will come
and you will remember
where we are
with words
like kisses.

I am ambivalent about many things:
the grass that is greener,
faking it until you are making it,
all this racing around
in circles
for ribbons.

But what you can do,
what you can say
that you will find a way
to come, no.
I am ambivalent about many things;
you are not one of them.


Definition added August 24, 2023

Lifetime noun 'líf-tím
1.a. the duration of the existence of a living being (such as a person or an animal) or a thing (such as a star or a subatomic particle)
1.b. an amount accumulated or experienced in a lifetime, ex: a lifetime of regrets, 13th Century

A lifetime in pursuit of it.
A lifetime on the course, following the dogs.
A lifetime hunting salvation.

A lifetime digging up worms with you.
A lifetime building the backyard fort.

One increment of selfhood.
One measure of truth.
One stanza, one verse.
One chorus.

Add-on to this with reincarnations
(if you believe in that sort of thing).
Maybe the can we kick is not in this life
but in the next or in the next.

Only you know the answer to that.
And if you don’t know,
nobody knows.


Definition added August 27, 2023

Character Arc Dramatic Narrative Structure
A character arc is the transformation or inner journey of a character over the course of a story. If a story has a character arc, the character begins as one sort of person and gradually transforms into a different sort of person in response to changing developments in the story, Gustav Freytag

A friend of mine has writer’s block some 20 years now, ever since
a Queens apartment was burgled, raided of many things,
most grievously a vibrator and a partial novel burrowed on a purloined laptop.
And although the policemen snickered, vibrators are happily replicable.
Hours of creative labor are not.

This year I found a card game for us to try out,
crafting tall-tales for fun. And now I find myself reading
about narrative arcs and dunks, beefing up on the idea of character
like Alice B. Toklas syringing a mutton.

And your first objective as the William Faulkner of your chronicle
should be to give your soul desire, warm-blooded craving.
Situationally, this may seem cruel but it’s beneficial motivation.
Like Ernest Hemmingway with a gun, you’ll coerce your person
into executing “a minimum, conservative action” (cit. Robert McGee)
because humans will not expend any more energy than they have to
in order to fulfill any given ambition. We’re minimalists, practical.

And because a story arc is basically inclined toward dysfunction,
like Edith Wharton designing a hedge your story will respond to this
pittance of effort with antagonisms and penalties,
like Nathaniel Hawthorn punishing Hester Prynne.
We call this conflict. It’s supposed to be a good thing,
like Huckelberry Finn surfing a river wave,

because it thusly encumbers our intrepid character
to gather themselves and take another action, a second action,
something our character, like the gloomy Bartleby,
would have preferred not to do in the first place,
from the get go, because this action requires more energy,
more willpower, a deeper dive into fragile resources,
because it gives our poor somebody more and more
standing to lose, like Rhett Butler on the staircase.

This is called risk and there better be plenty of it,
like Edgar Allan Poe wielding a bone-cutting pendulum.
The damn story keeps upping the ante
like Mark Twain playing jacks-or-better in Virginia City.

And it goes on like this, up and down. Story scientists
even made a straightforward chart depicting the trajectory:

It builds energy, they say, this up and down, makes magic
like Dorothy Gale rubbing ruby to ruby. But it looks like a nightmare
to me, like Henry James’ turning of the screw, which I guess is the point.

Because people will gladly enjoy unfortunate fictions, disasters
both pending and averted, (again McGee), the curious case
of F. Scott Fitzgerald and Zelda. Because we love to read
about what we wouldn’t, under any context or occasion,
despite any invitation to Grin-Itch or the Kaverns of Krock
or the Ruins of Ronk or anywhere near where the wild things are,
believe we could live through.


Definition added September 5, 2023

Alphabet noun 'al-fə-bet
1.a. A set of letters or other characters with which one or more languages are written especially if arranged in a customary order
1.b. A system of signs or signals….from Greek

lay them along tables
there’s a place for every single one
from Roman origin(ies)

sing their signature jingle
bred from mouths
soup of the tongue

turn them around
to learn a new L-A-N-G…
related to Letter

seek them carved in stone
stalling in public bathrooms
scratched onto a…


Seamstress noun 'sém(p)-strəs
Merriam-Webster and etymonline
1. A woman whose occupation is sewing, from Old English

A tailor working the seams,
a needlewoman pulling the stress,
needling the seems,
what seems to be
and what seems not to be,
dangerously tailoring the seem.

Unraveling and recovering.
Convalescence in a dress.

Tracing the seam on the man,
following the seam in-between
the man and the woman,
the permeable seam between
any two people or things:
the preacher and the clown,
the monastery and the wailing wall,
the letter and the thread.


Definition added September 7, 2023

Helm noun 'helm
1.a. A lever or wheel controlling the rudder of a ship for steering; broadly, the entire apparatus for steering a ship
2.a. Position of control, head, from Old English

After all this time, sea legs
would be nice. A perineal faring
has made us woozy, conscripted
to serve through storm and sun,
another storm, another sun.
Starboard to port, we’re not
handling well. Down the hatch
the wine has spilled and turned,
the doubloons are scattered
across the sole. Artillery holes
shadow the bridge, shots fired
from the so-long-ago. Each sailor
is growling ideas of order but no one
will be made Captain. We must be
propelled by spirits. Pirates have left
with the lifeboats. Every time we careen
and keel, we pray with our hands
over the hull of our own vessels.
The sea is the sky. Cocksure will pull you
under—the deck rolls bravado
across its tongue and off the plank.
This is not your mast.
This is not my mast.
I’ve been over every inch of this ship
and I cannot find the wheel.


Definition added September 10, 2023

Auto-Tune verb 'ȯ-tó-t(y)ün
1. To adjust or alter a recording with Auto-Tune software especially to correct sung notes that are out of tune, 1997

What I want is you,
what you want is me,
all we have is media,
medium, medias,
back to ancient technology,
wax cylinders that twerked
the concert pianists,
a jukebox that defeated
the big swing band,
notes rolling down
the silent highway
of paper, the wobble
of the voice through a needle
and dust, radio interference,
wires across miles,
any sound computed, tabulated
through a medium of minutes
where seconds turn to hours
in the bully of time—
your biggest enemy
and your only friend.


Whisper-ma-phone a Seussian object
1. Where confessions are delivered, 1971, Theodor Geisel

Down in the fathoms of the city of Sunk,
where sad little fish swim in a pond of funk,

there are floating, fishing mutter lines
made of subterfuge and bayou vines

where you can get a message through
about a junction for a secret rendezvous,

nominate a neutral field where horses play
along the fence near Hibiscus Way,

or boardwalk piers where whiffles are punted,
beside carousels where snuggly bears are hunted,

chinning golf balls through giant clefts
or cracking them from roofs and cliffs.

There can be taco trucks or hot dog stands,
popsicles, paper cups or kiddie bands.

This type of phone is for saying something brave
down the length of a surreptitious tele-wave.

Hesitate to whisper and this may be a clue,
(and this is my friendliest advice to you):

what you think you want, (to be true),
may not be really what you do.


Definition added September 15, 2023

By Accident idiom
Cambridge Dictionary
1. Without intending to, or without being intended

Whenever we left our house,
my mother would tell my two older brothers
to put on their coats and stand by the door.

I would step back and start to worry
because boys get bored
and their coats would soon become
puffy flapping wings hiding little punches.

One of them was easy to anger
and the other one was always
looking for trouble.

So the glass bud vase on the table
went first, a smokey Grecian blue,
then the matching candle holder
on a stem.

I had seen it all coming.
I had seen it all play out.
I had advised my mother
many times to move
those cheap Greek artifacts
far from thoughtless jeopardy.

But it was as if she wanted them to go.

Collateral damage, a mistake
of feeling when you push
the little glass thing off the table.
There might be malice;
maybe you just thought
it was made of wood.

There are many ways to break things
as there are ways to break.
You aim the gun and Bang! Bang!
the way of Cher, or a myriad
of deception and deceits.

So easy to break things
and what a sad surprise:
you’re not the hero,
you’re not the villain
of this glass heart you’re going to break
by accident.


Definition added September 19, 2023

Cool Beans interjection 'kül 'béns
1. Used like cool to express agreement or approval, 1985

      after Albert Goldbarth

It’s a very long way from Cold Duck to the defibrillator.
But the year of New Coke gave us frisky anime and the boy band,

caller ID as the go-to for deciding who to listen to,
the studious brain dump on the aficionados of alternative country,

the crack house where we made all our mixtapes, the tankini.
Inconvenient and lovely majesty, the elephant in the room.


Dam noun 'dam
2. A body of water confined by a barrier, Middle English

It feels like when they sink your whole town
beneath acres of reservoir,
from the post office to the road out,
everything crushed by the aching press of flood.
For a shot of control, for a spit of power.


Ephemera noun i-'fe-mə-rə
1. Something of no lasting significance
2. Paper items (such as posters, broadsides, and tickets) that were originally meant to be discarded after use but have since become collectibles, from Greek

I have twenty little pieces of paper I have kept from a Home Ec class in high school.

These are ephemeral scraps,
transient documents,
like losing bingo cards,
old bank checks
tied together with rubber bands

Twenty things we wanted from our everbright futures, one word handwritten on each piece.

These are childhood ghosts,
dead children from past lives
living in new hotel rooms,
hotel rooms themselves
to the passing through

We were instructed to give up ten of those pieces of paper and we were left with ten.

These are bus tickets, ticket stubs,
old calendars marking the march of days,
all the poems, all the plans,
all the glut and hooey and nonsense
stored in cardboard treasure chests,
the chests themselves
beneath pressed and swaying suit jackets

Give up five and you’re left with five.

Even dolls and trains, porcelain and plastic
safekeeping in the hope chest
with the most ephemeral of anything—
hope and hopelessness

Give up three to leave two.

Letting go of something you treasure
to give weight to the one thing you cherish the most…

Give up half.


Definitions added September 25, 2023

Work Verb 'wərk
1.b. To perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort or continuous repeated operations, from Old English

I didn’t take the work of writing to be very serious
when it came to me. There was a boy in our high school
Lit class. His name was…well, I’ll have to change his name.
Let’s just call him Sedrick. He proclaimed one day
he would become a famous writer and I put that
with gentlemen of leisure, not a real job.

But wouldn’t that be lovely, contemplating ideas all day,
scribbling off thoughts between naps on the daybed?
Shortly after this I went to Mark Twain Town,
that light-hearted amusement overtaking Hannibal,
full of fake history and the fictional establishments
of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

In an un-curated museum sat his typewriter,
an old manual one where he hammered out
manuscript drafts and I could suddenly imagine
all the backaches and arthritic fingers, draft over draft.
Being tired. Because work makes you tired.
Even when what came out of his mind
was naturally genius, he did have to sweat a bit.
And I had to rethink writing as labor, as work,
even the pretentious “the work” as in
“it’s all about the work.”

So why am I even telling you this? I’m telling you this
because you work too. And because I also had to rethink
what leisure was: you put your hands on the work;
work is where you put your hands;
wherever you put your hands is part of the work.
In other words, you love your work as I do mine.
As I do yours and you do mine.


Definition added September 29, 2023

Smart smärt
1. Having or showing a high degree of mental ability, intelligent, bright
2. Witty, clever, Middle English

Smart as a tack, smart as a whip, a smart cookie.
Too clever by half. Don’t get smart with me—
book smart, street smart, smart set,
smart alec, smart money, wise acre,
wise old owl, clever dick, sly as a fox,
a pain in the ass! (That smarts.)
Small things please small minds.
Suffering smart. A polished apple.
Too smart for your own good.
Lonely smart.


Alley noun 'a-lé
An alley or alleyway is a narrow…passageway… which usually runs between…buildings in the older parts of towns and cities, Middle English

It’s hard to describe what a beloved stranger is
in a metaphor,

like two city highrise buildings with many, many

separated by the towering and unbreachable space
of an alley

and there’s the same face they see every day on the other

two people who cannot fly like birds or breach
the distance,

morning after mourning, small as a smile
through the cold air

breaking through the ceaseless tugging
of the in-between.

The angst turns to comfort without their awareness
or permission

and without warning the buildings are not buildings anymore
but are ships,

the ships they always were and now one of them
has floated away
and is gone.


Definition added October 2, 2023

Mr. Universe Trademark 'mi-stər 'yü-nə-vərs
Longman Dictionary (for non-native English speakers)
1. A U.S. competition in which men from many different countries who are bodybuilders compete to be judged the most physically attractive and to win the title Mr. Universe, comparable to Miss Universe, 1948

Lately, I’ve been thinking
about my midlife dread
(fear, anxiety, concern)
around time and death
and how it relates to
the idea of a universe.

When we lose a parent
(or any loved one, really),
a while universe goes
poof, just like that
a whole system of planets,
a whole shebang of touchstones.

The universe disappears
and we are now Chicken Little
for real, collapsing like a star.
The titanic sinks in,
the burden of the void,
sizable strength bearing down
with the magnitude of a true north,
the colossal every-where-ness
of loss.

You are a universe.
No doubt about it.
It’s just your thinking
that’s too small.


Definition added October 22, 2023

Tucumcari noun and verb 'tü kəm 'ker é
Wikipedia and Visit Tucumcari
1. Translation of Comanche word tukanukaru, meaning "to lie in wait for something to approach." Also a town in eastern New Mexico named after the flat-topped mountain nearby “which once served as a lookout for Comanche raiders preying on cowboys who were driving cattle along the Chisolm and Comanchero Trails,” 1777 for the first English usage of the word.

There are beautiful place names like Istanbul,
Abeline and Tucumcari, a place that, for me,
feels ambiguously familiar like maybe
I’ve lived there once. When I was young

if you had told me about a thing called reinarnation
I would have thought, “we can do that?”
We can live that serialized, to be continued?
Sometimes on the same side,

sometimes on opposing sides,
sometimes out of the fray,
who knows the things we’ve done
worldwide, over time: the raiding

the homicide, (can’t assume
it was all good), godawful mistakes
of strategy and caprice.
But then there were probably also

lives we saved or gardens we put in play
and everything that lingered through
like the seeds of trees, butterfly effects
of inroads we made and bridges we built.

They are like long-gone children who still need us
to resolve. I don’t know how it works.
I don’t know what it wants.
I just know if feels like Indians

meeting around the mountain of every heart,
sitting in shadows, absent-mindedly pushing
rocks through finger-roads of sand
waiting for cowboys who never come.


Definition added November 9, 2023

Cold adjective 'kold
1.a. Having or being a temperature that is uncomfortably low for humans
2.a. Marked by a lack of the warmth of normal human emotion, friendliness or compassion
2.b. Detached, indifferent, Old English

If you could see how thin the ice is
out here on the lake, get some perspective
on the midnight of this thing, the frosted face
of a frozen lake, not just trees around
the circumference howling their bitter small-talk
in a wind. However galling, that is minor,
secondary thin ice.

I’m talking about me here, me on the ice,
the thin ice inside of me. Mortifying as it is—
the cracking, thinning, shifting me.

I need more than a hand right now,
more than a skiff. I need someone
on the edge of it who can stand there
and stay there, who can talk me in,
pull me to the shore and into the warm
embrace of your thaw.

Damage noun 'da-mij
1. loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation, from Latin

Is this helping?
Is this of any help at all?
Have we removed any walls?
Or are we left with the same walls.

Does it look any better this way
or the old way we once were?
Can we see any clearer
with A or B, with C or D?
On or off? Is this doing
more harm than good?

Go back in time and it seems
like there were more choices.
Maybe we can go back in time.
Maybe quantum physics
can take us home.

Because I don’t think this is helping,
this constant defining—
doesn’t seem to be helping.

I’m just ink spreading
through the years
propagating a mess,
causing us only damage and disaster.


Definitions added November 17, 2023




aim | alley | alphabet | anomaly | ASCII | Auto-Tune | bank | bed | better | bird in hand | bury the lead | by accident | character arc | cholla | cold | compass | conjugate | cool beans | correlation does not imply causation | counting sheep | cowboy | dam | damage | deface | drill | Dutch | enchanted | enigmatic | entrée | ephemera | evidence | explication | extended metaphor | fame | fortitude | fortune | frequency | fragile | gray | hacienda | Harry Styles | haunted | Heidi | helm | imagination | imminent | inheritance | in the soup | irony | irresistible | jealous | letter | lifetime | like | lilac | love | manhandle | manifesto | marginalia | meaninglessness | melody | mesa | mitigation | Mosquero | mouth | Mr. Universe | origin myth | overlength | paper | pareidolia | peacock | plastic | plausible deniability | poet 1 & 2 | poetry teacher | purview | question | quicksand | reading | reata | recipe | remediation | requited | satellite | seamstress | secret | seed | significant | skin | small | smart | song | sonnet v1 | sonnet v2 | spiraling | steer | stir up | superfluous | suspension | sweet | taken | thesaurus | tour de force | treading water | Tucumcari | venus flytrap | village | void | walk | war game | web browser | whispher-ma-phone | work | world wide web | writer | yin-yang